10 Years Monthly Temperature Data for Global Locations

December 2022

Last Updated

41,000 Cities


120 Months

Data Points per Location


Weather Metric

Monthly Time Series

Data Type


File Type

120 data points per location for over 40,000 global locations.

View Sample Data

10 years worth of monthly temperature for over 40,000 global locations. An analyst’s dream come true. See how sales or any other economic data is correlated to the weather.

Longer time frames as well as temperature highs or lows also available as a custom request.

Custom requests or want to be sure this is what you are looking for? Use the chat icon in the bottom left of the screen or email us at with any questions!

Accurate, Easy-to-Use Global Temperature Data


In the 21st century, looking up weather conditions for anywhere in the world is quick and easy. Just open up your favorite weather app, enter the city you’d like to check, and the current weather conditions and upcoming forecast will appear. This is an incredible capability that would have been a dream just a generation ago.

With that said, the short-term forecast only has limited usefulness when making important planning decisions. If you are working on opening a new business, for example, or making policy choices for a government organization, you need to see the bigger picture. That means digging into historical temperature data, and for that, you’ll need a reliable, organized source like this spreadsheet. With ten years of average temperatures by month by city (global) data for more than 40,000 locations around the globe, you can grab and info you need simply by searching this dataset.


What Can You Do with World Temperature Data?


There is tremendous value in knowing what kinds of temperature conditions to expect in a specific place and at a given time. You won’t be able to accurately predict weather conditions on a day-by-day basis, of course, but using ten years of averages will allow you to reasonably project what the temperatures will be like each month in any place around the world.

Will freezing conditions present problems for your operations? Are you going to encounter challenges if daily high temperatures stay above a certain mark for an extended period? How will these conditions impact your operational costs? There are nearly endless questions that can be asked and answered when using a massive collection of data like what is offered in this spreadsheet.

Having detailed temperature data is also a great way to correlate sales results with weather conditions. For each location that a business operates, the local monthly temperature data can be correlated to historical sales to see what kind of connection exists. This can help to improve operations in existing locations as well as making more accurate forecasts for new locations that may open in the future.


Application and Usage of the Dataset


To help you think about how you might be able to leverage this data for your own needs or the needs of your business, let’s look at a few examples of how information like this can be put to use.


Finding Good Markets


For many types of businesses, the temperature outside is going to strongly impact demand for their goods or services. An obvious example would be an ice cream retailer, where demand is going to soar along with the temperatures, but it will likely drop just as quickly when things cool down. Getting accurate historical temperature data can help a business select the right markets to enter with this kind of venture, and it can also help to understand which months will be the busiest throughout the year.


Challenging Weather Conditions for Transport


Another way to look at temperature information is to think about how it is going to impact transportation. Typically, moving goods from one place to another will be a bigger problem when it is colder outside rather than hotter. So, if a particular location is subject to sub-freezing temperatures for extended periods, supply chains could be disrupted. This is another important planning consideration that can be handled with the help of good data.


Accurate Expense Forecasting


Temperatures can have a strong impact on expenses for many different organizations. For instance, in hot conditions, an office building is going to be far more expensive to cool down to a comfortable level, and those energy costs may take a big bite out of the bottom line. Likewise, a business that stores food at low temperatures will need to use more energy when high temperatures persist outside, again driving costs up. Detailed, realistic predictions regarding expenses can only be produced when useful temperature data is on hand.


Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I download global temp data?


This spreadsheet is one of the best resources you will find for accurate, organized temperature data for a full decade of measurements. Historical temperature data is much harder to find than information about current conditions, and it’s even harder to find sources that are structured in a way that makes them accessible to any user.


How hot will certain cities be in 2030?


Using historical trends is a helpful way to see what might be coming in terms of weather and climate changes, so having detailed records for the last 10 years can allow for spotting patterns that might continue. This is particularly relevant in a time when so much attention is focused on the matter of climate change and how it will impact the world in the years to come.

What is a comfortable temperature for an office?


Most office buildings are kept between the upper 60s and low 70s Fahrenheit. This is a temperature range that most people find comfortable when working throughout the day. If the outdoor temperature is significantly warmer or cooler than that level, the building will need to rely on HVAC equipment to get into a good range for both workers and customers to be happy.


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10 Years Monthly Temperature Data for Global Locations

December 2022

Last Updated

41,000 Cities


120 Months

Data Points per Location


Weather Metric

Monthly Time Series

Data Type


File Type


Our Guarantee
Instant Download
Secure Checkout
Regularly Inspected for Flaws

120 data points per location for over 40,000 global locations.

View Sample Data

10 years worth of monthly temperature for over 40,000 global locations. An analyst’s dream come true. See how sales or any other economic data is correlated to the weather.

Longer time frames as well as temperature highs or lows also available as a custom request.

Custom requests or want to be sure this is what you are looking for? Use the chat icon in the bottom left of the screen or email us at with any questions!

Accurate, Easy-to-Use Global Temperature Data


In the 21st century, looking up weather conditions for anywhere in the world is quick and easy. Just open up your favorite weather app, enter the city you’d like to check, and the current weather conditions and upcoming forecast will appear. This is an incredible capability that would have been a dream just a generation ago.

With that said, the short-term forecast only has limited usefulness when making important planning decisions. If you are working on opening a new business, for example, or making policy choices for a government organization, you need to see the bigger picture. That means digging into historical temperature data, and for that, you’ll need a reliable, organized source like this spreadsheet. With ten years of average temperatures by month by city (global) data for more than 40,000 locations around the globe, you can grab and info you need simply by searching this dataset.


What Can You Do with World Temperature Data?


There is tremendous value in knowing what kinds of temperature conditions to expect in a specific place and at a given time. You won’t be able to accurately predict weather conditions on a day-by-day basis, of course, but using ten years of averages will allow you to reasonably project what the temperatures will be like each month in any place around the world.

Will freezing conditions present problems for your operations? Are you going to encounter challenges if daily high temperatures stay above a certain mark for an extended period? How will these conditions impact your operational costs? There are nearly endless questions that can be asked and answered when using a massive collection of data like what is offered in this spreadsheet.

Having detailed temperature data is also a great way to correlate sales results with weather conditions. For each location that a business operates, the local monthly temperature data can be correlated to historical sales to see what kind of connection exists. This can help to improve operations in existing locations as well as making more accurate forecasts for new locations that may open in the future.


Application and Usage of the Dataset


To help you think about how you might be able to leverage this data for your own needs or the needs of your business, let’s look at a few examples of how information like this can be put to use.


Finding Good Markets


For many types of businesses, the temperature outside is going to strongly impact demand for their goods or services. An obvious example would be an ice cream retailer, where demand is going to soar along with the temperatures, but it will likely drop just as quickly when things cool down. Getting accurate historical temperature data can help a business select the right markets to enter with this kind of venture, and it can also help to understand which months will be the busiest throughout the year.


Challenging Weather Conditions for Transport


Another way to look at temperature information is to think about how it is going to impact transportation. Typically, moving goods from one place to another will be a bigger problem when it is colder outside rather than hotter. So, if a particular location is subject to sub-freezing temperatures for extended periods, supply chains could be disrupted. This is another important planning consideration that can be handled with the help of good data.


Accurate Expense Forecasting


Temperatures can have a strong impact on expenses for many different organizations. For instance, in hot conditions, an office building is going to be far more expensive to cool down to a comfortable level, and those energy costs may take a big bite out of the bottom line. Likewise, a business that stores food at low temperatures will need to use more energy when high temperatures persist outside, again driving costs up. Detailed, realistic predictions regarding expenses can only be produced when useful temperature data is on hand.


Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I download global temp data?


This spreadsheet is one of the best resources you will find for accurate, organized temperature data for a full decade of measurements. Historical temperature data is much harder to find than information about current conditions, and it’s even harder to find sources that are structured in a way that makes them accessible to any user.


How hot will certain cities be in 2030?


Using historical trends is a helpful way to see what might be coming in terms of weather and climate changes, so having detailed records for the last 10 years can allow for spotting patterns that might continue. This is particularly relevant in a time when so much attention is focused on the matter of climate change and how it will impact the world in the years to come.

What is a comfortable temperature for an office?


Most office buildings are kept between the upper 60s and low 70s Fahrenheit. This is a temperature range that most people find comfortable when working throughout the day. If the outdoor temperature is significantly warmer or cooler than that level, the building will need to rely on HVAC equipment to get into a good range for both workers and customers to be happy.

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10 Years Monthly Temperature Data for Global Locations

10 Years Monthly Temperature Data for Global Locations



What Our Happy Clients Say


Being able to download the data immediately we key. Everywhere else wants you to set an appointment or subscribe to get going. I had an EOD request that needed this data so speed was key.
Dave MurphyExcellEnergy

The Excel file the data comes in was very easy to use and understand. What’s great about the weather data being in excel is I could run formulas against our own sales data (which is also in Excel). Would highly recommend.
Shannon ReelSotra

I think technically NOAA offers this data for free but it is a total pain to extract. I don’t know anything about APIs so being able to grab this data via excel was wonderful and well worth the money to save time.
Andrew JonesSkyMyst Alarms

Using this data helped us gain some revenue because we adjust our pricing based on weather. Before we were guestimating. This data helped us refine our pricing and showed us we were leaving money on the table.
Christine RhodesOSTE

Being able to download the data immediately we key. Everywhere else wants you to set an appointment or subscribe to get going. I had an EOD request that needed this data so speed was key.
Dave MurphyExcellEnergy

The Excel file the data comes in was very easy to use and understand. What’s great about the weather data being in excel is I could run formulas against our own sales data (which is also in Excel). Would highly recommend.
Shannon ReelSotra

I think technically NOAA offers this data for free but it is a total pain to extract. I don’t know anything about APIs so being able to grab this data via excel was wonderful and well worth the money to save time.
Andrew JonesSkyMyst Alarms

Using this data helped us gain some revenue because we adjust our pricing based on weather. Before we were guestimating. This data helped us refine our pricing and showed us we were leaving money on the table.
Christine RhodesOSTE