Average Daily Temperature Data by City

December 2024

Last Updated

44,000 Zip Codes



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Download our easy-to-use spreadsheet with the historical average temperature for all US zip codes. Temperature highs or lows also available as a custom request. Custom requests or want to be sure this is what you are looking for? Use the chat icon in the bottom left of the screen or email us at with any questions!
What Types of Questions It Can Help Answer

This data set will help you understand the average temperature for each city, town and zip code of the United States. It can answer questions ranging from agricultural opportunities to explaining economic, demographic and commercial developments.


Example Facts from the Data

  • Armargosa Valley, Nevada 89020 near Death Valley is the hottest place in the US, with an average temperature of 79.22 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Nuiqsut, Alaska 99789 is theย coldest place in the US, with an average temperature of 16.44 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Dubois, Wyoming 82513 is the coldest place in the lower 48 states, with an average temperature of 32.24 degrees Fahrenheit
  • The state of Nevada sees the greatest amount of temperature variability among its zip codes
  • The warmest cities and zip codes saw the fastest pace of population growth over the last 10 years (2010-2020)
  • The coldest cities and zip codes saw the slowest pace of population growth over the last 10 years (2010-2020)

What You Can Do with this Information


Having daily climate data for all US cities and zip codes has an innumerable amount of commercial, academic, civic and personal applications.


Determine what Plants or Crops You can Grow


The most fundamental impact weather has is on plants. Unsurprisingly, certain plants and crops need certain climates to thrive as well as a certain level of precipitation. Avocados donโ€™t grow in North Dakota but wheat and barley do. Using this list in addition to advice from local nurseries or agricultural schools can help you know what plants can be grown in your area.


Create an Interactive Temperature Calculator for Your Website


Creating a custom calculatorย for your website is a great way to engage with visitors and build leads. Though when many think of custom calculators, they think of refinancing or insurance. Using the historical average temperature by zip code is a great feature to include. You often see this with residential solar companies, whereby you can enter your zip code to find out how much you can save in energy costs over time by switching to solar. Another example below is a DIY vineyard website, which shows what type of grape varietals you can grow based on the historical average temperature of your zip code.



Uncover Public Policy Findings


Public policy professionals can uncover unique findings by pairing historical average temperatures to economic, demographic or environmental data. For instance, overlaying the average temperature by city over population growth reveals warmer cities and towns saw faster population growth relative to cities with colder average temperatures.


How the Data was Collected & Calculated


Our ultimate source for the data set is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA for short. The NOAA collects and aggregates weather reporting from all weather stations across the United States. We then geospatially convert this information to zip codes and cities. To determine the average daily temperature by city, we take the average of the last 10 years worth of monthly temperatures. Said differently, when you see the average temperature for Idaho Falls, Idaho is 46.93 degrees Fahrenheit, that is based off looking at the last 120 months of average temperatures recorded by Idaho Fallsโ€™ nearest weather station.



  • NOAA

  • United States Census Bureau


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Average Daily Temperature Data by City

December 2024

Last Updated

44,000 Zip Codes



Data Points per Location


Weather Metric


Data Type


File Type


Our Guarantee
Instant Download
Secure Checkout
Regularly Inspected for Flaws
Download our easy-to-use spreadsheet with the historical average temperature for all US zip codes. Temperature highs or lows also available as a custom request. Custom requests or want to be sure this is what you are looking for? Use the chat icon in the bottom left of the screen or email us at with any questions!
What Types of Questions It Can Help Answer

This data set will help you understand the average temperature for each city, town and zip code of the United States. It can answer questions ranging from agricultural opportunities to explaining economic, demographic and commercial developments.


Example Facts from the Data

  • Armargosa Valley, Nevada 89020 near Death Valley is the hottest place in the US, with an average temperature of 79.22 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Nuiqsut, Alaska 99789 is theย coldest place in the US, with an average temperature of 16.44 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Dubois, Wyoming 82513 is the coldest place in the lower 48 states, with an average temperature of 32.24 degrees Fahrenheit
  • The state of Nevada sees the greatest amount of temperature variability among its zip codes
  • The warmest cities and zip codes saw the fastest pace of population growth over the last 10 years (2010-2020)
  • The coldest cities and zip codes saw the slowest pace of population growth over the last 10 years (2010-2020)

What You Can Do with this Information


Having daily climate data for all US cities and zip codes has an innumerable amount of commercial, academic, civic and personal applications.


Determine what Plants or Crops You can Grow


The most fundamental impact weather has is on plants. Unsurprisingly, certain plants and crops need certain climates to thrive as well as a certain level of precipitation. Avocados donโ€™t grow in North Dakota but wheat and barley do. Using this list in addition to advice from local nurseries or agricultural schools can help you know what plants can be grown in your area.


Create an Interactive Temperature Calculator for Your Website


Creating a custom calculatorย for your website is a great way to engage with visitors and build leads. Though when many think of custom calculators, they think of refinancing or insurance. Using the historical average temperature by zip code is a great feature to include. You often see this with residential solar companies, whereby you can enter your zip code to find out how much you can save in energy costs over time by switching to solar. Another example below is a DIY vineyard website, which shows what type of grape varietals you can grow based on the historical average temperature of your zip code.



Uncover Public Policy Findings


Public policy professionals can uncover unique findings by pairing historical average temperatures to economic, demographic or environmental data. For instance, overlaying the average temperature by city over population growth reveals warmer cities and towns saw faster population growth relative to cities with colder average temperatures.


How the Data was Collected & Calculated


Our ultimate source for the data set is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA for short. The NOAA collects and aggregates weather reporting from all weather stations across the United States. We then geospatially convert this information to zip codes and cities. To determine the average daily temperature by city, we take the average of the last 10 years worth of monthly temperatures. Said differently, when you see the average temperature for Idaho Falls, Idaho is 46.93 degrees Fahrenheit, that is based off looking at the last 120 months of average temperatures recorded by Idaho Fallsโ€™ nearest weather station.



  • NOAA

  • United States Census Bureau

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What Our Happy Clients Say


Being able to download the data immediately we key. Everywhere else wants you to set an appointment or subscribe to get going. I had an EOD request that needed this data so speed was key.
Dave MurphyExcellEnergy

The Excel file the data comes in was very easy to use and understand. Whatโ€™s great about the weather data being in excel is I could run formulas against our own sales data (which is also in Excel). Would highly recommend.
Shannon ReelSotra

I think technically NOAA offers this data for free but it is a total pain to extract. I donโ€™t know anything about APIs so being able to grab this data via excel was wonderful and well worth the money to save time.
Andrew JonesSkyMyst Alarms

Using this data helped us gain some revenue because we adjust our pricing based on weather. Before we were guestimating. This data helped us refine our pricing and showed us we were leaving money on the table.
Christine RhodesOSTE

Being able to download the data immediately we key. Everywhere else wants you to set an appointment or subscribe to get going. I had an EOD request that needed this data so speed was key.
Dave MurphyExcellEnergy

The Excel file the data comes in was very easy to use and understand. Whatโ€™s great about the weather data being in excel is I could run formulas against our own sales data (which is also in Excel). Would highly recommend.
Shannon ReelSotra

I think technically NOAA offers this data for free but it is a total pain to extract. I donโ€™t know anything about APIs so being able to grab this data via excel was wonderful and well worth the money to save time.
Andrew JonesSkyMyst Alarms

Using this data helped us gain some revenue because we adjust our pricing based on weather. Before we were guestimating. This data helped us refine our pricing and showed us we were leaving money on the table.
Christine RhodesOSTE