Historical Average Precipitation by Zip Code

December 2024

Last Updated

44,000 Zip Codes



Data Points per Location


Weather Metric


Data Type


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1 data point per zip code, all US zip codes

Excel Download

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An Excel spreadsheet with the historical average rainfall by zip code, for all US zip codes.

An Overview of the โ€˜Rainfall Totals by Zip Codeโ€™ Dataset


The rainfalls totals by zip code data set is available in the form of an excel spreadsheet, and contains the aggregated historical rainfall amounts each US zip code. It takes into account the daily and monthly rainfall totals in all 42,000 zip codes in the USA and is the calculated average precipitation over a 10 year time frame.

We have collected the data from reliable weather forecast stations across the USA. This user-friendly and comprehensive precipitation spreadsheet contains data about cities, zip codes, and states with their respective average rainfall totals. These valuable precipitation totals offer a complete overview of all the rainfall totals in US zip codes without the need for researchers to enter a single zip code at a time, which is the case on other weather websites.


What Can You Do With City Specific Precipitation Data?


Using the rainfall totals by zip code data set, you can understand the aggregated average rainfall totals in a particular zip code. This data set can answer many questions regarding demographics, agricultural opportunities, commercial and economic developments, and many more.


Few Examples from the Rainfalls Totals Data Set

  • How many inches of rain did Atlanta get on average over the last ten years?
  • How many inches of rain did Nashville get on average? How about in 2022?
  • What is the wettest city in the US?
  • How does one part of Tennessee compare to the rest of the state in terms of rainfall averages?
  • Does the western part of the country get more average rainfall vs. the eastern part?

How Have We Collected this Weather Data?


To gather the average rainfall totals by zip code data set, weโ€™ve collected, scraped, organized & transformed the hundreds of millions of data points into this user friendly spreadsheet that you see here. We also check data for any inaccuracies and quality but have not made any adjustments to account for the impact of historical changes in observation or instrumentation practices.


What Can You Do with the Rainfall Totals By Zip Code Data?


The rainfall totals data of various zip codes in the USA can provide valuable information regarding the climate, weather conditions in a particular period, and other insights. This information has several useful applications in commercial, agricultural, economic, construction, civic, and many other sectors.


Find the Records of Low and High Precipitation for Various Areas


Using the rainfalls data of all the US zip codes, you can find which areas have record low and/or high precipitation levels across the country. You can apply this information in many ways to predict trends, geographical climates and more.


Compare Precipitation Across Different Cities and States


The daily rainfall totals data set allows you to compare national and local rainfalls in different zip codes. This enables analysts to look for various climatic and weather patterns and make comparisons based on area and dates, allowing them to generate reports.


Identify Driest or Wettest Areas


Using the rainfall totals data set, you can identify the driest or wettest regions and analyze why some places get more precipitation than others. For instance, some regions in the USA have experienced an extraordinary rise in rainfall compared to others. In contrast, few areas like the Southwest have experienced a significant decrease in precipitation over the years. You can use this information to highlight the impact of weather conditions on the demographics and economy of the specific region.


Make Informed Agricultural Decisions


Rainfall plays a critical role in the agriculture of any area. The national precipitation total by zip code data can help you determine what crops can grow in a particular area. For instance, the areas that receive low rainfall are suitable for growing wheat, millet, corn, and other grains. At the same time, regions with high rain are perfect for growing rice, vegetables, cotton, sugarcane, and other crops.


Aids in Public Policy Decisions


The climate of any region has a significant impact on the lives of people and its economy. The public policymakers and government agencies can use total precipitation by zip code data set to pair it with environmental, demographic, economic, or other data types.


Predicts the Changes in Natural Processes


The rainfall totals data set by zip code allows you to predict the changes in the natural processes because variations in precipitation levels significantly impact the lives of species. It also influences flooding in rivers and helps determine the kinds of plants and animals inhabiting a particular place.


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Historical Average Precipitation by Zip Code

December 2024

Last Updated

44,000 Zip Codes



Data Points per Location


Weather Metric


Data Type


File Type


Our Guarantee
Instant Download
Secure Checkout
Regularly Inspected for Flaws

1 data point per zip code, all US zip codes

Excel Download

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An Excel spreadsheet with the historical average rainfall by zip code, for all US zip codes.

An Overview of the โ€˜Rainfall Totals by Zip Codeโ€™ Dataset


The rainfalls totals by zip code data set is available in the form of an excel spreadsheet, and contains the aggregated historical rainfall amounts each US zip code. It takes into account the daily and monthly rainfall totals in all 42,000 zip codes in the USA and is the calculated average precipitation over a 10 year time frame.

We have collected the data from reliable weather forecast stations across the USA. This user-friendly and comprehensive precipitation spreadsheet contains data about cities, zip codes, and states with their respective average rainfall totals. These valuable precipitation totals offer a complete overview of all the rainfall totals in US zip codes without the need for researchers to enter a single zip code at a time, which is the case on other weather websites.


What Can You Do With City Specific Precipitation Data?


Using the rainfall totals by zip code data set, you can understand the aggregated average rainfall totals in a particular zip code. This data set can answer many questions regarding demographics, agricultural opportunities, commercial and economic developments, and many more.


Few Examples from the Rainfalls Totals Data Set

  • How many inches of rain did Atlanta get on average over the last ten years?
  • How many inches of rain did Nashville get on average? How about in 2022?
  • What is the wettest city in the US?
  • How does one part of Tennessee compare to the rest of the state in terms of rainfall averages?
  • Does the western part of the country get more average rainfall vs. the eastern part?

How Have We Collected this Weather Data?


To gather the average rainfall totals by zip code data set, weโ€™ve collected, scraped, organized & transformed the hundreds of millions of data points into this user friendly spreadsheet that you see here. We also check data for any inaccuracies and quality but have not made any adjustments to account for the impact of historical changes in observation or instrumentation practices.


What Can You Do with the Rainfall Totals By Zip Code Data?


The rainfall totals data of various zip codes in the USA can provide valuable information regarding the climate, weather conditions in a particular period, and other insights. This information has several useful applications in commercial, agricultural, economic, construction, civic, and many other sectors.


Find the Records of Low and High Precipitation for Various Areas


Using the rainfalls data of all the US zip codes, you can find which areas have record low and/or high precipitation levels across the country. You can apply this information in many ways to predict trends, geographical climates and more.


Compare Precipitation Across Different Cities and States


The daily rainfall totals data set allows you to compare national and local rainfalls in different zip codes. This enables analysts to look for various climatic and weather patterns and make comparisons based on area and dates, allowing them to generate reports.


Identify Driest or Wettest Areas


Using the rainfall totals data set, you can identify the driest or wettest regions and analyze why some places get more precipitation than others. For instance, some regions in the USA have experienced an extraordinary rise in rainfall compared to others. In contrast, few areas like the Southwest have experienced a significant decrease in precipitation over the years. You can use this information to highlight the impact of weather conditions on the demographics and economy of the specific region.


Make Informed Agricultural Decisions


Rainfall plays a critical role in the agriculture of any area. The national precipitation total by zip code data can help you determine what crops can grow in a particular area. For instance, the areas that receive low rainfall are suitable for growing wheat, millet, corn, and other grains. At the same time, regions with high rain are perfect for growing rice, vegetables, cotton, sugarcane, and other crops.


Aids in Public Policy Decisions


The climate of any region has a significant impact on the lives of people and its economy. The public policymakers and government agencies can use total precipitation by zip code data set to pair it with environmental, demographic, economic, or other data types.


Predicts the Changes in Natural Processes


The rainfall totals data set by zip code allows you to predict the changes in the natural processes because variations in precipitation levels significantly impact the lives of species. It also influences flooding in rivers and helps determine the kinds of plants and animals inhabiting a particular place.

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What Our Happy Clients Say


Being able to download the data immediately we key. Everywhere else wants you to set an appointment or subscribe to get going. I had an EOD request that needed this data so speed was key.
Dave MurphyExcellEnergy

The Excel file the data comes in was very easy to use and understand. Whatโ€™s great about the weather data being in excel is I could run formulas against our own sales data (which is also in Excel). Would highly recommend.
Shannon ReelSotra

I think technically NOAA offers this data for free but it is a total pain to extract. I donโ€™t know anything about APIs so being able to grab this data via excel was wonderful and well worth the money to save time.
Andrew JonesSkyMyst Alarms

Using this data helped us gain some revenue because we adjust our pricing based on weather. Before we were guestimating. This data helped us refine our pricing and showed us we were leaving money on the table.
Christine RhodesOSTE

Being able to download the data immediately we key. Everywhere else wants you to set an appointment or subscribe to get going. I had an EOD request that needed this data so speed was key.
Dave MurphyExcellEnergy

The Excel file the data comes in was very easy to use and understand. Whatโ€™s great about the weather data being in excel is I could run formulas against our own sales data (which is also in Excel). Would highly recommend.
Shannon ReelSotra

I think technically NOAA offers this data for free but it is a total pain to extract. I donโ€™t know anything about APIs so being able to grab this data via excel was wonderful and well worth the money to save time.
Andrew JonesSkyMyst Alarms

Using this data helped us gain some revenue because we adjust our pricing based on weather. Before we were guestimating. This data helped us refine our pricing and showed us we were leaving money on the table.
Christine RhodesOSTE